We are the women and men from DomusVi.
We are specialists, entirely and exclusively dedicated to a key challenge for every society: caring for an aging population, at home and in our residences.
And it is because this issue is central in our society that we choose to address it from up close, on a personal, human level.
Because we never forget that every senior person we care for is a unique, whole individual.
Because we deeply believe that old age is an integral part of life, and that life must therefore be an integral part of old age.
A stimulating life, open to others and the world, a life full of relationships and connections, a life of personal expression. A life of choice and agency.
A life in which the individual one has always been continues to grow and thrive.
To us, nurturing this quality of life for every senior person we care for is a fundamental purpose.
It is the reason we strive to build a different approach.
A human approach, designed from the person up. An approach in which every one of our 50 000 care providers has the trust and freedom they need to
accomplish the work they chose in the best possible conditions.
An approach in which every family participates in the community of care and attention that we foster around each of the elderly people we care for.
An approach in which carers are helped, by offering them tailored, individualised solutions, because everyone needs a break.
Our ambition to stand for an ever-more human approach to senior care is embodied in our stewardship.
A stewardship that places families and their representatives at the center of its priorities.
A stewardship that will always favor the autonomy of our teams and local decision-making power, everywhere we operate.
Because empathy, quality of life and humanity can only be delivered from up close.
For over 40 years, DomusVi has always believed that the path to better care is humanity, shared.